Club Details
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Key Personnel
Chairman - Paul Shipley
- Email:
- Mobile: 0408 567 325
Secretary - Callen Hardie
- Email:
- Mobile: 0409 842 745
Treasurer - Phillip Lyng
- Email:
- Mobile: 0421 135 894
Affiliated People
Name | Position | Rank | Mobile | |
Alistair Dickie | SSO | PG-SSO / Approvals Requested-PG-PAX BTR, PG3 to PG5 Op's Assessment, VHF Ops, PG-Check Flights, OXY Ops & PG-GT Ops | 0422 970 408 | Click to email |
Brett Koschenow | SO | PG-SO | 0447 637 043 | Click to email |
Callen Hardie | Committee | Secretary | 0409 842 745 | Click to email |
Daniel Thuillier | SO | PG-SO & PPG-SO | 0427 303 173 | |
David Clarke | SO | HG & PG-SO | 0474 014 915 | Click to email |
Graham Rose | SO | PG4, VHF, PG-SO | 0415 429 006 | Click to email |
James Astley | SSO | PG-SSO / Approvals Requested-PG-PAX BTR, PG3 to PG5 Op's Assessment, VHF & PG-Check Flights | 0402 028 911 | |
Jennifer Clarke | SO | PG-SO | 0435 256 280 | Click to email |
Jeremy McElroy | SO | HG & PG-Safety Officer | 0428 188 625 | |
Ken Crowe | SO | PG-SO | 0414 435 540 | Click to email |
Kenneth Crowe | Committee | VHFOPS (VHF Radio Operations) PG4 (Pilot Certificate PG4) | 0414435540 | Click to email |
Luke Gleeson | SO | PG-SO | 0428 574 212 | Click to email |
Mark Wallace | Committee | HG-GNDTOW (Ground Tow (HG)) HG-INTRMD (Pilot Certificate (HG) Intermediate (HG4)) VHFOPS (VHF Radio Operations) PG2 (Pilot Certificate PG2) | 0400338602 | Click to email |
Michael Brady | SSO | PG-SSO | 0419 736 088 | |
Michael Porter | Committee | General Member | 0415 920 444 | Click to email |
Nicholas Lemon | SO | PG-SO | Click to email | |
Ongchhu Sherpa | SO | PG-Safety Officer | Click to email | |
Paul Shipley | SO | PG-Safety Officer | 0408 567 325 | |
Paul Shipley | Committee | President | 048 567 325 | Click to email |
Peter Lamont | SO | HG & PG-SO | 0407 771 075 | Click to email |
Phil Robinson | SSO | HG-SS0 PG-SSO | 0419 030 016 | Click to email |
Pillip Lyng | Committee | 0421135894 | Click to email | |
Rene Sedlmaier | SSO | PG-SSO | 0408 621 100 | Click to email |
Rene Sedlmaier | Committee | Vice President | 0408 621 100 | Click to email |
Rowan Beggs-French | SO | PG-Safety Officer | 0400 138 505 | |
Wesley James Kilham | SO | PG4, SO | 0420 322 040 | Click to email |